Strong stud ram sales for 2016 were backed up by a successful on property sale held at the end of a challenging weather event which brought extreme cold conditions coupled with rain, wind and flooding. Despite access detours there was solid support from both stud and flock clients.
Stud Ram Sales
Total of 12 Stud Rams sold to a top of $12,500 and average $5854.
Adelaide Elite Ram Sale
Ulandi Park 24-15
Top Price Poll Dorset Ram - $12,500 sold to Chris Squires, Shirlee Downs Stud, Quairading, WA
Australasian Dorset Championships, Bendigo
Ulandi Park 114-15
$9,000 sold to Legge Family, Ridgehaven Stud, Cudal, NSW
Flock Ram Sale
The 19th Annual On Property Sale, in conjunction with North Ulandi (A/c Charles Rowett) sold 120 flock rams to a top of $2,200 and average of $1307.
We extend a sincere thankyou to all purchasers and underbidders for supporting our sales.